Barley & Oats

SeedSpeed® can help your barley and oats with phosphorous and potassium uptake.


Spring barley has a very short growth period, and a few weeks’ delay in establishment significantly impacts yield. Therefore, it is essential that the crop gets a good and quick start when it can finally be sown.

SeedSpeed® is a cold-tolerant biostimulant that works well in the cold spring soil in which spring barley and oats are sown. It helps increase the plant-available phosphorus and potassium, providing the plants with the necessary nutrients from the start.

Trial Data

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In collaboration with Agrolab, we tested SeedSpeed® on spring barley in 2022. At harvest, SeedSpeed increased yield and protein content by 6.17% and 7,35%, respectively.

In collaboration with VKST, we tested SeedSpeed® on spring barley in 2023, observing better emergence. The plants emerged faster from the soil, and more plants emerged in total.

Under conventional farming practices with full fertilisation, spring barley showed 4.9% greater total emergence when SeedSpeed® was used.

Under organic conditions, 11.4% and 5.3% greater emergence were measured after 2 weeks for reduced and full fertilisation, respectively, and 8.6% greater total emergence with reduced fertilisation.

Want to test or buy our product?
Please contact us.

(+45) 22 63 15 89

  • 9,66 t/ha barley yield – untreated (Agrolab)
  • 10,25 t/ha barley yield – with SeedSpeed® (Agrolab)


Spring oat has a very short growth period, and a few weeks’ delay in establishment significantly impacts yield. Therefore, it is essential that the crop gets a good and quick start when it can finally be sown.

SeedSpeed® is a cold-tolerant biostimulant that works well in the cold spring soil in which spring barley and oats are sown. It helps increase the plant-available phosphorus and potassium, providing the plants with the necessary nutrients from the start. 

Trial Data

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Read about trial data here
In collaboration with VKST, we tested SeedSpeed® on oats in 2023, observing faster emergence from the soil.

Under normal farming practices, oats showed 5.6% greater emergence after 2 weeks when SeedSpeed® was used with reduced fertilisation.

Want to test or buy our product?
Please contact us.

(+45) 22 63 15 89

  • 8,50 t/ha oat yield – untreated (Eskegaard)
  • 8,71 t/ha oat yield – with SeedSpeed® (Eskegaard)