
Faba beans and peas

Faba beans and peas are sown early in the spring as soon as the soil is ready, and rapid emergence is crucial. SeedSpeed® can play an important role in supporting this process. The product contains a unique microorganism that helps release phosphorus and potassium from the soil surrounding the plants, making it easier for the legumes to absorb the nutrients already stored in the field. This leads to a better start for the plants and faster emergence.

Our customers have had great success treating their faba beans with SeedSpeed®, and we have received numerous reports of both improved emergence and higher yields.

Trial data for faba beans

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Take a look at our trial data

We continuously test our products, both at external trial stations and with farmers. Since 2023, we have been testing our products on faba beans. When treated with SeedSpeed®, we have observed root length increases of up to 19.5%, and improved side root formation by up to 18% compared to untreated faba beans from the same field. Additionally, treatment with SeedSpeed® often results in higher yields.

If you are interested in trying or purchasing our product, feel free to contact our team.


<a href=”tel:+4522631589″>(+45) 22 63 15 89</a>
<a href=”mailto:mts@nordicmicrobes.dk”>mts@nordicmicrobes.dk</a>

  • 4.88 t/ha faba bean yield – untreated (VKST)
  • 5.33 t/ha faba bean yield – with SeedSpeed® (VKST)

Trial data for peas

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Take a look at our trial data

W have been testing our products on peas since 2023. In external field trials at VKST, we observed an 18% increase in emergence.

We have also observed an increase in side root formation of up to 13% in peas coated with SeedSpeed compared to untreated peas from the same field.

If you want to test or purchase our product, you are welcome to contact our team.

(+45) 22 63 15 89

  • 54 sprouted pea plants/m2 – untreated (VKST)
  • 64 sprouted pea plants/m2 – with SeedSpeed® (VKST)