
SeedSpeed® can help your wheat with phosphorous and potassium uptake.


Winter wheat requires good establishment in the fall for successful overwintering. Our products increase the plant-available phosphorus and potassium during early growth, enhancing wheat emergence. This allows more plants to grow from the same sowing seed and enables them to establish before winter.  

Spring wheat also benefits from SeedSpeed®, which can increase nutrient availability and emergence in spring. Thus, plants can grow quickly and establish larger roots before any potential drought period. 


Trial Data

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In collaboration with VKST, we tested SeedSpeed® in winter and spring wheat fields in Zealand during the 2023 harvest year.

In winter wheat trials, SeedSpeed® provided 4.9% higher germination after two weeks and 7.6% higher total germination with full fertilisation.

In spring wheat trials, SeedSpeed® showed 9.3% greater germination after two weeks with reduced fertilisation. In row trials on our test field in Funen, we observed 17.8% higher germination in SeedSpeed® treated winter wheat compared to the untreated control group.

Want to test or buy our product?
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(+45) 22 63 15 89

  • 324 sprouted winter wheat plants/m2 – untreated (VKST)
  • 348 sprouted winter wheat plants/m2 – with SeedSpeed® (VKST)