About Us

Our vision is to replace harmful chemicals in agriculture with natural products based on microorganisms.


Nature is full of microorganisms that play a crucial role for plants, animals, and humans. One gram of soil contains a billion bacteria distributed on tens of thousands of species. Some bacteria harm other organisms by causing diseases or breaking down nutrients, most are neutral, but some help other organisms thrive. These beneficial organisms work by creating essential nutrients, stimulating growth, or by keeping pests away. There is a vast potential in good microorganisms, but finding and utilising them has always been a challenge.

We have developed a unique technology that allows us to quickly find microorganisms with particularly good properties adapted to local soil conditions. The technology is called the MicrobeTRAP (™) and it is a microbial capture device that is placed in nature. It allows us to attract and isolate microorganisms with the desired properties.

Learn more about how our products works in the video below.


At Nordic Microbes, we use the latest advances in science and technology to find, develop, and produce the best microbial products.

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Our Approach

We combine a holistic understanding of biology and farming with breakthroughs in microbiology, 3D printing, drone and satellite imaging, whole-genome sequencing, bioinformatics, and data analysis. We work with leading experts from various fields and collaborate with researchers and universities in Denmark and abroad. 

In the lab

In our laboratories, isolated microorganisms are characterised and sequenced to ensure they have the properties we seek and are safe for customers to use. We do not alter the microorganisms’ genetics with GMO or NGT. Our products contain only natural ingredients and microorganisms already found in the soil. 

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Testing on seeds and plants

Promising microorganisms are tested on seeds and plants in germination tests, plant tents, and test fields. We examine germination, root development, fungal pressure, growth rates, chlorophyll content, field coverage, yield, and nutrient content to ensure our products deliver value to farmers. 


Our products are manufactured through fermentation in bioreactors. We focus on circular production, feeding our microorganisms with natural organic waste from the food industry, closing the loop. Quality control is paramount and before a product reaches the customer, quality and effectiveness are ensured through sequencing, bacterial staining, colony counting, and functional tests. We ensure traceability with a comprehensive batch registration system. 

Meet our team!

Our team consists of experts from various backgrounds, including agriculture, biotechnology, microbiology, engineering, plant science, sales, and marketing. Our shared passion for green transformation and new sustainable solutions drives our development rapidly forward.
Meet our fantastic team. 

Morten Østergaard Andersen

Morten Østergaard Andersen

Co-founder and CEO

Strategy, coordination, investor relations, funding, legal matters


Julia Magdalena Østergaard Andersen

Julia Magdalena Østergaard Andersen

Co-founder and COO

Operations, strategy, coordination, personel, budgets, investor & marketing material, web


Mads Asbild

Mads Asbild


Marketing, strategy, coordination, logistics, sales, customer serve, product follow-up


Mark Lyng

Mark Lyng

Formulation Scientist

Product stability, formulation, production


Cecilie Toft Vangsøe

Cecilie Toft Vangsøe

Head of microbiology

Product discovery & development, strategy, coordination, microbeTRAP technology


Martin Pham

Martin Pham


Upstream production, process optimization


Zahra Salimi

Zahra Salimi


External field trial coordination, seed coating, data processing, data analysis


Elvira Van Hauwaert

Elvira Van Hauwaert


Sequencing, data processing, strain characterization & registration, patent applications


Juan-Rodrigo Bastidas-Oyanedel

Juan-Rodrigo Bastidas-Oyanedel

Biochemical engineer

Research & development of products for covercrop


Helle Kjærsgård Sørensen

Helle Kjærsgård Sørensen

Horticultural technician

Greenhouse plant growth, pilot product testing, internal field testing


Maria Stougaard Andersen

Maria Stougaard Andersen

Financial controller

Finances, grants, budgets, customer billing


Ebbe Fink Andersen

Ebbe Fink Andersen

Head of production

Downstream production, process development, optimization, production outsourcing


Signe Hagelsø Schultz

Signe Hagelsø Schultz


Product research & development


Frederik Møller Ingwersen

Frederik Møller Ingwersen

Biologist QC

Quality control on product and coating, sequencing, drone & satellite imaging


Maibrith Wishoff

Maibrith Wishoff

Laboratory technician

Product development, laboratory safety, laboratory inventory


Alma Fink Gärdström

Alma Fink Gärdström


Development of products for broad beans, microbeTRAPping


Agnete Skipper Meilandt

Agnete Skipper Meilandt

Graphic designer

Content creator, visual communication, marketing material & web.


Mette Sponseller

Mette Sponseller

Sales Consultant



Jonas Korsholt

Jonas Korsholt

Head of plant testing

Customer relations & field trial data collection


Danny Kristoffersen

Danny Kristoffersen

Facility coordinator

Buildings, equipment, maintenance, service agreements and construction.


Board of directors

Henrik Busch Larsen

Henrik Busch Larsen

CEO of Algiecel, former CEO of Unibio

Chairman of the board of directors

Anders Gram

Anders Gram

Member of the board of directors

VP of Bactolife, former VP at Indigo, Chr. Hansen, Novozymes etc.

Anders Kjær

Anders Kjær

Member of the board of directors

Director of the Deeptech Fund at PreSeed Ventures

Thomas Høgenhaven

Thomas Høgenhaven

Observer at the board of directors

Managing Partner at Planetary Impact Ventures

Bo Nilsson

Bo Nilsson

Observer at the board of directors

Business Developer, University of Southern Denmark


Would you like to be part of Nordic Microbes?

Follow our social media and keep updated about our job openings. You can also take a look below:


“Working at Bioomix is absolutely my dream job! I work in a most exciting field of research; working on better solutions for efficient and sustainable food production. That said, the best part is to be around talented and positive colleagues. This is indeed a rewarding and motivating environment.”

Cecilie Toft Vangsøe

“Here at Bioomix, the trust in the employees is paramount and staff care is a high priority. It provides a fantastic working environment, and I always look forward to coming to work. The science we are working with, will hopefully revolutionize the way we are cultivating crops to improve our environment.”

Signe Schultz